Ren Xue Centre Australasia
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Last month saw a new and exciting transformation at the Ren Xue centre farm, Onekaka. What was until recently a dairy farm is becoming more diverse and this is one of the first most visible steps towards this. If you pass the farm now, instead of seeing just grazing paddocks, you will also see an orchard of newly planted fruit and nut trees. This project has been part of the farm working group's plan to diversify and discover more about what sort of crops are best suited to different locations on the land. It was fun to visualise the future of these trees - they need tender care, time and energy now but in the future they will give back in abundance to feed many people in the community. It brought feelings of such gratitude for all that abundance and generosity in nature. Ready for planting! Working in partnership with Steve Lee, the farm manager, is local Golden Bay resident Dieter Proebst who has 35 years experience in Permaculture and biodynamics and has managed his own fruit orchard for 30 of those. During the opening circle and blessing for the trees, Dieter patiently explains how to lovingly and successfully plant them. He did this many times- each time with the same patience and care - very inspiring! Steve plants the first tree; Jackie and Steve feeding out and Taz lending a hand. The tree planting team and the trees in the ground. A well deserved afternoon tea. Dieter demonstrates calm, relaxed, natural use of wheelbarrow!
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November 2024
The Ren Xue Centre Australasia Project sits under the umbrella of Ren Xue Australasia, & has links throughout the global Ren Xue community. If you would like to be involved, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you :-)
Copyright © Ren Xue Centre Australasia 2024