Ren Xue Centre Australasia
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![]() After a huge volunteer effort to demolish the parts of the Villa that were not able to be rescued, much planning and decision making from the Villa subcommittee and lots of administration work (thanks Ollie) has meant that Onekakā builders are now working on the renovation of the Villa. The Builders are making great progress to bring the Villa back to a habitable condition. The Villa has a wonderful local history as was at one stage the local Post Office, and home to the original owners for the Farm the Scaddens Family. It is interesting to note that the front door faces the Onekakā Inlet rather than the road as the Villa was built to be accessed by boat rather than road. This means the front of the house has a great view over the Onekakā Inlet. During the renovation a sample of the original wallpaper has been discovered and will be looked after until it can be displayed in the completed house.
![]() Two members from Golden Bay/Mohua talk about their experiences from the Wonder Valley Retreat Jackie in Golden Bay/Mohua Cat in USA Jackie, Golden Bay/Mohua in person retreat at Rauhītanga A very successful retreat was held at Kiri and Dave's wonderful place (Rauhītanga) in Tukurua which is close by and beautifully unified with the Ren Xue Australasia Centre land. Rauhītanga is lovely and comfortable, modern and spacious and the practice area works beautifully as it accommodates up to 30-40 people practising together easily. People loved being there and could really feel the special Qi field which is part of the whole project, and all the sincere love and support for the project flowing across the globe, especially when it was being shared at Wonder Valley and Alex's documentary was shown, the experience of all being together around the world whether online or in person was palpable! The Qi field for transformation from the live retreat in Wonder Valley was so powerful, and also having live opportunities to share with each other, teach and learn together supported us to go deep in real time and make major shifts. It was a deeply humbling experience feeling everyone's intention together to create a harmonious world and make love and wisdom a lived reality. Here are some comments from retreat participants: - I loved the dedicated time to focus on learning with few distractions. I loved observing and celebrating changes in myself and others over retreat time. - I was able to immerse myself into an integrated programme where I was able to focus on the work of the retreat because I was comfortable and cared for e.g. catering with healthy food, responsive hosting, a peaceful place, beautiful weather, harmonious relationships, healing sessions etc. - I was ready to be a more committed and open learner for a number of reasons and the teachings penetrated more deeply. I was able to settle into a good state more often and integrate theory and practice more to join up the dots and obtain a deeper understanding of some key concepts. Stepping up to lead a practice in a supportive group helped build confidence. - I felt safe and supported as my patterns emerged and I was able to receive support as I untangled them. Teaching Yuan Gong was helpful to continue breaking hiding and avoiding. - I am going well since the retreat, my pattern work is going much deeper and bringing me real joy. The retreat was so worthwhile for making my life much brighter. It gave me the opportunity to really do Jue Cha with others in a setting which is created specifically for growth Cat in person at Wonder Valley USA It was an amazing experience to be at the Wonder Valley retreat in person. The location is beautiful and it was very special to meet up with old friends, meet in person with those I had only connected with in the virtual world and also make new friends. The learning was deep and profound- reminding me why retreats are so special and give us such an amazing opportunity to make those shifts in our lives towards more wisdom and clarity. In fact, the same inspiration that led me to want to begin the retreat centre project 4 years ago. The connection with the land, people and animals in Golden Bay was tangible and we could really feel how they were with us - and all the online participants - amazing to see how we are so truly connected, no matter where we are in the world. It was such a pleasure to share our project vision with the people at Wonder Valley and feel the amazing support that came from them all. It was particularly special to show a short film made by Alex Emmerich which lifted and inspired us all. We hope to show the final version as a premiere in November at the New Zealand retreat in Dunedin. (Ren Xue Retreat Dunedin 2024 - Ren Xue International). Thank you so much to Alex for all you do for the project and to the global Ren Xue family for your loving support |
November 2024
The Ren Xue Centre Australasia Project sits under the umbrella of Ren Xue Australasia, & has links throughout the global Ren Xue community. If you would like to be involved, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you :-)
Copyright © Ren Xue Centre Australasia 2024