Ren Xue Centre Australasia
News and Updates
We are a French couple currently living in Whangarei, New Zealand. We are both Ren Xue teachers. Vincent works as an osteopath and acupuncturist and is also a qualified Heil Praktiker. He has been practising Qigong since 2004. Marie-Laure is a Pilates, Qigong instructor and Scenar therapist. She has been practising and teaching Qigong since 2011. Together, we created Ren Xue France in 2012 and helped many people improve their life. It is dear to our heart to continue to grow, contribute to the creation of a community that has a low impact on the environment and create an uplifting life for ourselves and others. And "The time is now"* as Yuan Tze says. It's why we decided to move to the land in Takaka. It was difficult for us to decide to leave our comfort zone, spending time with the fear of lacking, anxiety... trust was missing, ; jobs, house, garden, all the material things that we believe important. And as soon we decided to make a step forward, and to connect with the Qifield of the community, everything went smoothly. We found a lot of help within our dear Ren Xue family (Thanks to Cat, James, Nathalie, Claire). When we filled the application form, things get clearer and joy came naturally. We realised that we have to surrender to create. Firstly, we'll rent/buy James and Cat's tiny house and we'll work in Motueka to create our clinic "AB-Health-Tasman clinic' (osteopathy, acupuncture, Scenar therapy, Pilate & Qigong). Gradually, we'll develop Yuan Ming Medicine from Motueka to Takaka. The old house would be the perfect location to establish a Yuan Ming medicine centre. We'll work on it. We are ready to dedicate our time to this project and start a new journey, it's like creating a new garden! because "Every day is a wonderful day"
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November 2024
The Ren Xue Centre Australasia Project sits under the umbrella of Ren Xue Australasia, & has links throughout the global Ren Xue community. If you would like to be involved, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you :-)
Copyright © Ren Xue Centre Australasia 2024