Our Vision
Living together in harmony. With ourselves, with our family members, with our community, with humanity and with nature. A place where we support each other's growth and uplift ourselves and each other.
Meet the pioneers!
Catherine and James Alker currently own some land in Golden Bay, approximately eight hectares in size. The land is immediately adjacent to the Ren Xue Farm. Read Cat's story here They have been living there since 2020 with their 3 boys, and 2 cats. They were joined by Marie-Laure and Vincent in December 2021 - you can read more about them here
With the arrival of Steve Lee and Jackie Blunt on the farm in June 2022 and some local teachers moving to the area, a community is starting to develop.
Check out the maps below, and drone video footage taken of the wider area around the proposed Retreat Centre site, and where Cat, James, Marie-Laure and Vincent live.
With the arrival of Steve Lee and Jackie Blunt on the farm in June 2022 and some local teachers moving to the area, a community is starting to develop.
Check out the maps below, and drone video footage taken of the wider area around the proposed Retreat Centre site, and where Cat, James, Marie-Laure and Vincent live.
An application for dwellings on this coastal site and also on the farm was lodged with Tasman District Council in May 2022. Having received approval in April 2023 we can now move ahead with the exciting process of starting a Ren Xue community!
A working group has been formed to establish a vision and structure and processes. If you are keen to be involved in the process of setting up a community, Contact Cat Alker to find out how you can be involved
A working group has been formed to establish a vision and structure and processes. If you are keen to be involved in the process of setting up a community, Contact Cat Alker to find out how you can be involved
The Ren Xue Centre Australasia Project sits under the umbrella of Ren Xue Australasia, & has links throughout the global Ren Xue community. If you would like to be involved, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you :-)